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Social Ecology Undergraduate Honors Research - SE 190A - 2024-25

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Liaison Librarians

Nicole Carpenter (PsycSci) Langson Library 472; Voice: 949-824-3275;

Elizabeth Hernandez (CLS - law, criminal justice, government information, deviance) - Office: Langson Library 106  Voice: 949-824-0473;

Julia Gelfand (PPD, SE General, allied health, urban & regional planning, applied sciences, environmental sciences, public policy, technological influences over lifespan) - Office: Science Library 228  Voice: 949-824-4971

Each student has a liaison librarian and click on the tab for "Hints for Specific Projects"

Library Hours

Library hours change!  Please consult Library Hours.  Also be reminded that Gateway Study Center is available for after-hours and a reservation system will tell you where study spaces in all libraries are available.

If you leave the Libraries late at night, make sure you have a walking companion or call the Safety Escorts (949-824-7233) to accompany you to your car or campus residence.

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Researching from home? Use the VPN Links below to access our databases. For additional information, contact OIT at 949-824-2222 - open 24/7


Software VPN

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Background Information

The Honors Seminar allows you to engage in a research project under the supervision of a faculty advisor.  You are expected to present your research project and write it up as a "thesis" or major paper. 

You have been assigned a Liaison Librarian.  We recommend that you contact your assigned librarian and schedule a Research Consultation. 


Quick Access Research Guides


Hotspotr : Find a Wi-Fi hotspot in your area with Hotspotr, a Google Maps mashup that relies entirely on user input.  As with other Wi-Fi finders, you can search for hotspots by city, ZIP code or place, then get maps, driving directions, phone numbers, etc. 

Copying/Printing at the Libraries

Use your UCI PhotoID for copying and printing. Add money to your WEPA account.. Copies are .10 per page; printing .12 per page; color printing is .50.

Things To Do

Getting everything done on time - assuming that is the goal, it is recommended that you engage in the following tasks:

  1. Plan your project with your advisor
  2. Prepare an outline of your work and final project
  3. Meet with Liaison Librarian as needed
  4. Conduct a literature search
  5. Determine what style manual you will use for writing your paper - perhaps APA - and learn how you can do this efficiently
  6. Consider learning how to use Bibliographic Management Software to organize your citations and be able to cite them accurately and consistently.
  7. Consider ways to present information - powerpoint, handouts, poster session, to make it visually as well as content rich, etc
  8. Update information as needed