Most of the links below provide access to data. However, each organization also provides reports and analysis of the region as well, so it may be useful to peruse their websites for more synthesized or analytical reporting.
Repository of curated data sets pertaining to many disciplines within the social sciences. Contains original codebooks and descriptions of methodology, offers multiple file format downloads, and links data to relevant scholarly research. Users can search at the variable level and trace datasets to their use in academic publications.
Database of public opinion polls containing the full text of hundreds of thousands of questions and responses from thousands of surveys conducted in the U.S. and 80 other countries. Only polls using statistically valid sampling and methods are indexed. Each question is individually indexed in one of more than 4,500 topics and six search fields Results may be downloaded or printed. Includes survey data from many organizations including Harris Poll and YouGov.
Access is limited to 4 simultaneous users.
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