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Using ORCID with SciENcv to Create Your Biosketch

Using ORCID and publication indexing services to create an NSF or NIH Biosketch. This step-by-step guide will help you to link your ORCID profile to make it easier to populate your biosketch, then create and export the final biosketch.

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Linking Information from ORCID

The easiest way to populate your SciENcv biosketch is through an ORCID iD.  If you do not yet have an ORCID iD, go to the ORCID@UCI  and select “Get Started!”

An ORCID/record is a free account that creates a persistent identifier that will follow you throughout your career and allows you to gather all of your scholarly work in a single location. You can use it to add publications to your Biosketch that are not located in PubMed. 


The UC Irvine Libraries can help researchers make their ORCID records more complete. The first step is for researchers to connect their ORCID record with their UC Publication Management System profile.  The ORCID - UC Publication Management System connection enables integration with other information databases (Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, RePEC, and others) and allows researchers to get help adding their publications into their ORCID records.

Link your ORCID ID with SciENcv, log back into your My NCBI account (if you are logged out) and follow steps 1-4 to create a MyNCBI/SciENcv account section.


  1. Once you see your My NCBI landing page, you should see your username in the upper right corner.  Select your username. 
  2. Use the Change button under Linked Accounts to add your ORCID account.
  3. Select "Change" and then search for ORCID.
  4. Select ORCID under "Login Account Options," then enter your ORCID username and password, and authorize it. You should now see your ORCID account listed in your Linked Accounts.
  5. Select "My NCBI" in the top right corner.


You are now ready to go to SciENcv.


Information Credits

*Information credit to Stony Brook University Libraries' "Creating and Using Your ORCID Profile: Linking to NIH/NSF Biosketches" and NC State University Libraries "Using SciENcv to Create Your Biosketch"