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Genetic Counseling

This page is designed for students who enroll in the graduate program in Genetic Counseling at UC Irvine School of Medicine. It includes online links to the required textbooks and other online resources.

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Formulating a Researchable Question

The PICO Framework

Research question:

Do children expose to antidepressants during the prenatal period increase the risk of autistic disorders or ADHD?

P = Children

I = prenatal antidepressants exposure

C = No prenatal exposure

0 = Risk of developing ADHD and/or autistic disorders

Type of Question = Etiology/Harm

Type of study = Cohort

PubMed Search Options

PsycInfo Search

Research Question:

What are the Psychological Effects of Genetic Predisposition Testing for Huntington Disease and their Impact on Familial and Romantic Relationships?

P = Family with genetic predisposition to Huntington disease

I = genetic testing/screening

C = No testing/screening

O = impact on familial and romantic relationships

PsycInfo and Dissertation Search via ProQuest

  1. Go to the UCI Libraries website and select Recommended Databases.
  2. Select PsycINFO
  3. Open the hamburger menu (3 stacked horizontal lines) and select Change Databases to add additional databases.
  4. Select both ProQuest Dissertations & Theses A&I and ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Search strategy:

In the 1st search box, enter: 

Genetic* AND (Test* OR screen*) AND Huntington's disease [select in abstract]

select AND

In the 2nd search box, enter:

relationship* AND (impact* OR effect* OR aspect* implication*) [select in Anywhere]

Advanced Search strategy

ab(Genetic* AND (Test* OR screen*) AND Huntington's disease) AND ((relationship* OR marriage) AND (impact* OR effect* OR aspect* implication*))

Google Scholar Search

In the search box, enter: Psychological (Effect* OR impact*) Presymptomatic Test* "Huntington's disease"