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Genetic Counseling

This page is designed for students who enroll in the graduate program in Genetic Counseling at UC Irvine School of Medicine. It includes online links to the required textbooks and other online resources.

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Remote Access

If you haven’t connected to the UCI Libraries from off-campus before, the Connect from off-Campus VPN Software tutorials provide can help you. 

WebVPN does not require you to download additional software, but you will encounter problems accessing PubMed@UCI and most of the medical resources and databases. Therefore, you must download, install, and configure the software VPN before visiting PubMed@UCI and resources such as Access Medicine, films and videos, etc. 

When configuring the VPN software, be sure to change the default “Group" from Default-UCI to UCIFULL. Once you login and connect to the VPN software with your UCInetID, you have full access to all the UCI Libraries online resources with a few exceptions from the Law Library.

Installing UC Irvine's VPN Software for MacOS

Software VPN for Mac OS

  • Download now. See videos above on how to install and configure the clients.
  • Provides access to most licensed online resources.
  • Access non-web based online resources.
  • For Mac users, please use Chrome or Safari. Firefox may not work due to certificate issues.

Video Tutorial for iOS

Mobile VPN

  • Configure now (see videos above on how to configure)
  • Works with Android, Chrome OS, and iOS devices.
  • Provides access to most licensed online resources.
  • Access non-web based online resources.

Video Tutorial for Windows

Software VPN for Windows Desktop or Laptop

  • Download now. See videos above on how to install and configure the clients.
  • Provides access to most licensed online resources.
  • Access non-web based online resources.
  • For Mac users, please use Chrome or Safari. Firefox may not work due to certificate issues.

Video Tutorial for Chrome OS

Mobile VPN 

  • Configure now (see videos above on how to configure)
  • Works with Android, Chrome OS, and iOS devices.
  • Provides access to most licensed online resources.
  • Access non-web based online resources.