Recent eBooks
Video gaming industry interest demographics
- Average gamer is 34 years old
- 70% of gamers are 18 or older
- 60% of Americans play video games fdaily
- 45% of gamers are women
Design & Ergonomic aspects of Gaming Equipment
Social Network
Age Range
Countries most impacting and developing gaming
Intersectional eSports News
Ergonomics Abstracts
Communications Abstracts
COVID-19's Impact on the Gaming Industry: 19 Takeaways
Information about eSports is growing and very interdisciplinary. It depends on the focus of the research but will be divided into the following resources:
Academic - covering the education, technology, computing, sociological disciplines
Business and Marketing
News and trade
Researching eSports has multi-dimensions and is very interdisciplinary. There is a lot of data about the business aspects, analogous to other professional sports. Over the last decade the information has proliferated. Additional information can be found in the following resources and are also noted in the Business Research Guide.
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