Researching from home? Remote access to the UC Irvine Libraries' licensed online resources is available to current UC Irvine students, faculty & staff. Visit our Connect from Off-Campus page for more information!
Claim your UCI Libraries Overleaf Professional Account Today!
All UC Irvine students, faculty, and staff may claim a Professional Overleaf account for writing and publishing their projects, presentations, and research papers. Claim your Professional Overleaf account via this link: is an open access platform for the creation and sharing of detailed methods and protocols. Features of include:
UC researchers currently have free access to Premium accounts during the pilot period (May 31, 2024). Premium features include private collaboration around method development and use in classrooms. In the long term, this initiative should also increase the reproducibility and rigor of the research published by UC academics. Use your UCI email when logging in to access these features.
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Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.