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INF 162W: Organizational Information Systems

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Julia Gelfand
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Background & Information

This upper division writing course serves as an Introduction to the role of information systems in organizations, components and structure of organizational information systems, and techniques used in information systems analysis, design, and implementation.  That being said, there are different assignments that correspond to the course objectives and goals that center around issues related to high-tech work and the operatives of tech sector organizations.  Of particular interest are the predictive nature and speculations of how contemporary themes and problems such as sexism, racism, caste discrimination, and climate change can be impacted by the tech sector.

Key Resources

To fulfill the writing assignments you will find it helpful to consult many different information resources that will index and abstract information based on the search strategy you enter.  You are urged to read widely and find information in non-traditional sources as well as the scholarly canon.  This may include some grey literature, case studies, technical reports, working papers, content & releases from Think Tanks, etc. Digital Humanities addresses many of these themes in thoughtful and creative ways that offer some solutions to aspects of these problems.  You really must understand the culture or work environment because no two companies operate exactly the same.  There are also layers of operatives - how a company got started, the initial leadership, the role of funding or venture capital, and hiring practices that were instilled from the beginning. 

You may want to consider some context first and by reading broadly about the tech sector may facilitate some insights that creatively address the issues for each paper and help form an outline for each one.  The short papers will feed into a larger term paper.  You will want to apply advocacy, persuasion, evidence and credible insights as you write each essay based on the prompts provided.  The prompts are significant quotes from tech leaders.  The informatics literature intersects well with the business literature and that of policy studies, so the recommended resources will offer a wide range of interdisciplinary perspectives that you will shape in each essay.

You will find books that support your theses - you may find individual chapters are most meaningful. 

Sources of background information:

Finding Books & Book Chapters: (recommend that you download & read separate chapters rather than the entire book at once)

  • Start with UCLS - UCI/UC Library Catalog -
  • Consider certain publishers:
    • IGI
    • Sage
    • Taylor & Francis
    • CRC Press eBooks
    • O'Reilly OHE - there are some case studies - if you search the content for Case Studies or review the video content you will find examples of some large tech firms
    • JStOR eBooks from various scholarly publishers & many others including Elsevier, SpringerNature, Wiley, all whose titles are in UCLS that we have

Finding Journal Articles & Conference Papers/Proceedings/Preprints - Using Databases. You may want to search for a particular database in Databases A-Z; look below for an annotated list of some titles.

In addition the following journals may be helpful (these are part of aggregated content in full-text databases that we have - not subscriptions to the journals):