The UCI Libraries offers Wepa printing:
Increasingly many of our licensed library resources are available via mobile devices - this link will tell you what is available and on what platform.
Additional Resources that may be helpful include:
Standards and Specifications are described as documents that describe the rules and conditions for how materials and products should be manufactured, defined, measured, tested, and applied. They are used to establish baselines or a minimum level of performance and quality control to ensure that optimal conditions and procedures for the purpose of creating compatibility with products and services from different periods and a range of sources. Specifications have a more limited range of application than standards and generally establish requirements for materials, products, or services. Standards and specifications may be issued by voluntary technical or trade associations, professional societies, national standards bodies, government agencies, or by international organizations. It is critical to establish the source.
Standards and specifications are of greatest utility to engineers, scientists and those working with new innovations.
Types of Standards:
What are some points to remember when using standards?
To locate a standard you should (ideally) have at least three of the following:
There are several methods one can use to obtain a standard or specification not in our collection:
ASTM Compass is the portal for standards, testing and learning. It contains the ASTM Science & Engineering Digital Library, known as SEDL.
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