To link works from another system, choose Search & link from the Add works menu in the works portion of your record:
Select a system from the list (CrossRef is a good general source, others will depend on your discipline). You'll be asked to authorize the system, and will then be able to identify works in that system that are yours and that you would like transferred to your record. Each system behaves a little differently, and there may be a couple of intermediate steps not described here. For more information, see Add works by direct import from other systems in the ORCID Knowledge Base.
To import a BibTeX file of your works, choose Import BibTeX from the Add works menu in the works portion of your record, and import the file. For more information, see Importing Works from a BibTeX File in the ORCID Knowledge Base.
To manually type in information about your works, choose Add manually from the Add works menu in the works portion of your record, and complete the form to describe a work. For more information, see Add works manually in the ORCID Knowledge Base.
To add other kinds of information to your ORCID record, see Get more out of your ORCID iD.
(adapted from ORCID@Cornell - October 1, 2019)
You may control how much of your ORCID record is publicly visible. For both your personal information and information about your works, three settings are available:
For more information, see Visibility Settings in the ORCID Knowledge Base, and ORCID's privacy policy.
You can add a brief biography to your ORCID record to provide a narrative description about you and your research career and interests. Since the release of ORCID API 2.0 in February 2017, only you or trusted individuals can add or edit the biography on your ORCID record.
The biography field is a plain-text field. It is limited to 5000 characters.
As with all fields on the ORCID record, you can set who can see your biography by choosing your preferred visibility. The options are:
Works in ORCID are grouped together based on both their identifiers and those identifiers’ relationship to the work. There are three types of relationships:
The Peer review section of your ORCID record is for information about your individual peer review contributions. The organization for which you are carrying out the peer review or evaluation will typically request your iD during the review submission process, as well as asking for permission to update your ORCID record after you complete the review. Like research resources and person identifiers, peer reviews can only be added to your ORCID record by a trusted organization, with your explicit permission – you cannot manually add them to your record yourself.
The peer review section will not appear on your personal (private) ORCID record until a trusted organization has added a review to your ORCID record. You must make the review activity visible to everyone in order for it to also display on your public ORCID record.
For recording information about serving as a peer reviewer for a journal, conference, faculty, or more, please use the Service affiliation.
Add a trusted individual to your account
You can grant permission to one or more trusted individuals to update your ORCID record, acting as a delegate or proxy for managing your account. Other ORCID users can grant permission for you to update their records. A trusted individual does not need to be another researcher, but must have an ORCID iD.
Trusted individuals have access to your ORCID record, and will be able to edit any information on it, and make connections with external systems. For security reasons, a trusted individual may not edit anything that requires you to enter your ORCID password, including: adding email addresses, resetting your password, and deleting your account (which requires access to your email).
For more information, see Add a trusted individual to your account in the ORCID Knowledge Base.
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