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Brief guide about UCI's microforms/microfilm collection.

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All UCI Libraries' microform collections and equipment are located on the Basement Floor of Langson Library. All library visitors may use the microform equipment to view, scan, and digitize images

Microfilm printed copies    $0.12 / page

Citing an item found on microform requires collecting the same identifying information used to cite a print item, such as author, title, publisher, etc.

The citation should also include the information needed to locate the item in microform — collection title and identification numbers, producer of the microform, etc. For more information, see the guide to citing microform sources from the Yale College Writing Center.

[author, by last name.] [“article title.”] [original publication title] [original publication date: page number.] [medium.] [collection title volume number] [(collection year):] [specific microform information (such as reel, fiche, number, etc.).]

[author, by last name, initial.] [(publication date).] [article title, no quotation marks] [original publication title, “p.” page number.] [In collection title & volume] [(collection year) [medium].] [(specific microform information).]