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Immigrants and Refugees

Topic Guide on Immigrants and Refugees - their plight, resources, and the laws around immigration

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Key Databases

Sample SSRN Articles: 

Lynch, Timothy E., The ICCPR, Non-Self-Execution, and DACA Recipients' Right to Remain in the United States (June 16, 2020). Georgetown Immigration Law Review, Vol. 34, 2020, Available at SSRN: 

Campbell, Kristina Michelle, Dreamers Deferred: The Broken Promise of Immigration Reform in the Obama Years (December 1, 2019). 40 Immigr. & Nat'lity L. Rev. 265 (2019), Available at SSRN:

Ryo, Emily, Representing Immigrants: The Role of Lawyers in Immigration Bond Hearings (July 19, 2018). Law & Society Review, Vol. 52: 503-531 (2018); USC CLASS Research Paper No. CLASS18-11; USC Law Legal Studies Paper No. 18-11. 

Gilman, Denise L., To Loose the Bonds: The Deceptive Promise of Freedom from Pre-Trial Immigration Detention (February 24, 2016). U of Texas Law, Public Law Research Paper No. 644. 

Recommended Starting Points to Find Articles

The changing culture, discussion and challenges of migrants and refugees issues covers many disciplines; see these interdisciplinary databases to search many disciplines and resource types, like newspapers, trade journals or scholarly journals, at once.

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