Welcome to the LibGuide for Health Statistics!
Incidence: the number of newly diagnosed cases during a specific time period.
Life Expectancy: the average number of years of remaining life from a particular age based on the probabilities of death in each age group in one particular year.
Lifetime Risk: the probability of developing or dying of a specific disease.
Morbidity: the proportion of patients with a particular disease during a given year per given unit of population.
Mortality: all deaths reported in a given population during a specific time period. A measure of the incidence of death.
Prevalence: the number of new and pre-existing cases alive on a certain date. The proportion of persons with a particular disease or condition at a point in time.
Reporting Bias: an assessment bias that occurs when individuals in one group are more likely to report past events than individuals in another group. Reporting bias is especially likely to occur when one group is under disproportionate pressure to report confidential information.
Sensitivity and Specificity: measures for assessing the results of diagnostic and screening tests. Sensitivity represents the proportion of truly diseased persons in a screened population who are identified as being diseased by the test. It is a measure of the probability of correctly diagnosing a condition. Specificity is the proportion of truly nondiseased persons who are so identified by the screening test. It is a measure of the probability of correctly identifying a nondiseased person.
Survival: the proportion of patients alive at some point subsequent to the diagnosis of their specific disease.
Vital Statistics: used for general articles concerning statistics of births, deaths, marriages, etc.
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