My graduation is upcoming OR just happened. When does my remote access with my UCInetID and password expire?
The answer depends on when the Office of Information Technology (OIT), which manages UCInetIDs, updates their student records. (Your UCInetID is typically the prefix to your @uci email address.) Once OIT updates their student records, you will no longer have access. If you have questions about when your record will be updated, contact the OIT Help Desk. Please see also the OIT Alumni Help page for more info.
Why don’t I have remote access to UCI's licensed electronic resources (databases, eBooks, journals, and periodicals) that I could remotely access as a current student?
How can I access UCI’s licensed electronic resources (databases, eBooks, journals, and periodicals)?
Can I download content that I access while I'm on the UCI campus?
Can I pay UCI a ‘membership fee’ or get a library card from the UCI Libraries to gain remote access to UCI’s licensed electronic resources?
Unfortunately, no. Vendors will only license resources to universities for current affiliates (i.e. students/faculty/staff), and in most cases other people who access resources while on their campuses. Providing remote access (for free, or for a price) to non-UCI affiliates would violate our license agreements with our vendors.
To have unrestricted remote access to a vendor’s valuable electronic information, individuals and businesses need to directly purchase or subscribe to a vendors’ products.
Library cards from the UCI Libraries do not grant any remote access privileges.
Can a current UCI affiliate (i.e. a UCI student/faculty/staff member) send content to me (e.g. email me a PDF), so I don’t have to come to campus?
Yes, if you acquire a library card. If you join the UCI Alumni Association, you might qualify for a free library card, depending on the UCI Alumni Association’s current rules. You can also purchase a library card.
Library cards from the UCI Libraries are not linked with UCInetID accounts, so they do not grant remote access to our licensed electronic resources.
My alumni organization told me that I have access to “X” resource(s) from off campus. What do you know about that?
Please visit the UCI Alumni Association’s Membership Benefits page to see the resources they offer. Sometimes UCI alumni (or other) organizations sponsor resources specifically for their members, separately from resources sponsored by the UCI Libraries. Please direct access questions to the organization that is promoting that their members have access.
I’m a graduate of another UC campus. Does that grant me remote access privileges for UCI's licensed online resources?
Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here
Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.