The peer review process is the quality control step in the publication of ideas. Papers that are submitted to a journal for publication are sent out to several scientists (peers) who look carefully at the paper to see if it is "good science". These reviewers then recommend to the editor of a journal whether or not a paper should be published. Most journals have publication guidelines. Ask for them and follow them exactly.
Peer reviewers examine the soundness of the materials and methods section. Are the materials and methods used written clearly enough for another scientist to reproduce the experiment? Other areas they look at are: originality of research, significance of research question studied, soundness of the discussion and interpretation, correct spelling and use of technical terms, and length of the article.
Scientific writing must be accurate. Although writing instructors may tell you not to use the same word twice in a sentence, it's okay for scientific writing, which must be accurate.
Make sure you say what you mean.
Be careful with commonly confused words
Write at a level that's appropriate for your audience.
Use the active voice. It's clearer and more concise than the passive voice.
Use the first person.
Instead of: The samples were analyzed
Write: I analyzed the samples
Avoid dangling participles.
"After incubating at 30 degrees C, we examined the petri plates." (You must've been pretty warm in there.)
Use concise words and strong verbs.
Use short sentences. A sentence made of more than 40 words should probably be rewritten as two sentences.
Use a spellchecker, but be aware that they don't catch all mistakes.
Your spellchecker may not recognize scientific terms. For the correct spelling, try Biotech's Life Science Dictionary or one of the technical dictionaries on the reference shelf in the Biology or Health Sciences libraries.
Don't, use, unnecessary, commas.
Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Adapted from: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/biology/ug/research/paper.html
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