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Graduate Student Orientation - MURP - 2023-2024

An introduction to Library Services & Collections to support the entering masters' candidates in Urban & Regional Planning.

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LC Classification Ranges for Urban Planning

Most of your research will be conducted with resources at the Langson Library (LL) which contains the collections for social & behavioral sciences, policy science, arts, literature, business/management, government publications.  The Science Library (SL) supports the physical sciences, life sciences, environmental sciences, medicine, information sciences, and engineering/technology.  Most of the planning literature is at the Langson Library however there are some relevant materials at SL - the following breakdown of call numbers and locations will allow you to browse physically and via Library Search: (unless noted at LL)

            GE1-350 - Environmental Policy/Environmental Sciences - at SL

            HD101-1395 - Land use

            HE 305-311 - Urban transportation

            HE 331-380 - Transportation engineering

            HE5601-5725 - Automotive transportation

            HT51-1595 Communities. Classes. Races

            HT51-65 Human settlements. Communities     

            HT101-395 Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology

            HT161-165 Garden cities. "The city beautiful"

            HT165.5-169.9 City planning   

            HT170-178 Urban renewal. Urban redevelopment

            HT201-221 City population - Including children in cities, immigration

            HT231 Effect of city life

            HT251-265 Mental and moral life

            HT281 Recreation. Amusements

            HT321-325 The city as an economic factor. City promotion

            HT330-334 Metropolitan areas

            HT351-352 Suburban cities and towns

            HT361-384 Urbanization. City and country

            HT388 Regional economics. Space in economics

            HT 390-395 Regional Planning

            JK1-9993 Public institutions and public administration - US

            KF 3581-3598 - Environmental law

            NA1-9428 Architecture

            NA1-60 General architecture

            NA100-130 Architecture and the state

            NA190-1555.5 History

            NA1995 - Architecture as a profession  

            NA2000-2320 Study and teaching. Research

            NA2335-2360 Competitions

            NA2400-2460 Museums. Exhibitions

            NA2500-2599   General works

            NA 2599.5-2599.9 Architectural criticism

            NA2695-2793 Architectural drawing and design

            NA2835-4050 Details and decoration

            NA4100-8480 Special classes of buildings

            NA4100-4145   Classed by material

            NA4150-4160   Classed by form

            NA4170-8480 Classed by use

            NA4170-(7020) Public buildings

            NA4590-5621 Religious architecture

            NA7100-7884 Domestic architecture. Houses. Dwellings

            NA7910-8125 Clubhouses, guild houses, etc.

            NA8200-8260 Farm architecture

            NA8300-8480 Outbuildings, gates, fences, etc.

            NA9000-9428 Aesthetics of cities. City planning and beautifying

            TA170-171 Environmental engineering - SL

            TA1001-1280 - - Transportation engineering - SL

            TD1-1-66 - Environmental technology - SL

            TH1-9745 Building construction - SL

            TH845-895 Architectural engineering. - SL

            TH900-915 Construction equipment in building - SL

            TH2025-3000 Details in building design and construction - SL

            H4021-4977 Buildings: Construction with reference to use Including public buildings, dwellings - SL

            TH6014-6081 Environmental engineering of buildings - SL

            TH9025-9745 Protection of buildings - SL