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Richard Cho
Langson Library 107

UCI Philosophy and LPS Departments

Philosophy at UCI
consists of two complementary and collaborative units: the Department of Philosophy in the School of Humanities ( and the Department of Logic & Philosophy of Science (LPS) in the School of Social Sciences ( These two jointly administer a Ph.D. program in Philosophy with two independent tracks: the Philosophy Track and the Logic & Philosophy of Science Track.

Books and Doing Research

Professional information in Philosophy and LPS

Organizations, associations & career information
•  The American Philosophical Association
This association has section on "Philosophy as a Profession" and it has a Job Seeker Database.
•  American Society for Aesthetics
A Society for the Philosophy, Theory and Criticism of the Arts. The ASA sponsors four annual conferences, publishes the Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism and the ASA Newsletter.
•  The Society for Philosophical Inquiry
•  Society for Women In Philosophy
•  Philosophy of Science Association
•  History of Science Society
•  Critical Theory Institute