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Anthropology eBook Collections

eBook Collections

The Anthropocene As a Geological Time Unit

This book presents evidence for defining the Anthropocene as a geological epoch, written by the high-profile international team analysing its potential addition to the geological time scale. The evidence ranges from chemical signals arising from pollution, to landscape changes associated with urbanization, and biological changes associated with species invasion and extinctions.

Natural Resources, Extraction and Indigenous Rights in Latin America

This book explores extractive conflicts between indigenous populations, the government and oil and mining companies in Latin America, namely Mexico, Peru and Bolivia. Building on two years of research and drawing on the state-corporate and environmental crime literatures, this book examines the legal, extralegal, illegal as well as political strategies used by the state and extractive companies to avoid undesired results produced by the legalization of the right to prior consultation.

Anthropocene Encounter

Anthropocene Encounters: New Directions in Green Political Thinking

This timely book explores the significance of the Anthropocene for environmental politics, analysing established political concepts in view of contemporary environmental challenges. Asking whether politics can continue as usual, given the profound transformations to our planet.