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Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy

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Research Librarian for the Health Sciences, Medicine, Pharmacology/Pharmaceutical Sciences, Public Health AND Interim Research Librarian for Biological Sciences

Profile Photo
Hector R. Perez-Gilbe
He, Him, His
UC Irvine
Science Library
Room 232
Irvine, CA 92623
(949) 824-6957

UCI Libraries

UCI Libraries:

  • Langson Library (LL):
    • Langson contains the collections and services that support research and teaching in the Arts, Humanities, Education, Social Sciences, Social Ecology, and Business & Management. Clikc on the Langson Library link for location.
  • Science Library (SL):
    • UCI's Science Library, one of the largest consolidated science, technology, and medicine libraries in the nation, contains the collections and services that support research and teaching in the schools of Biological Sciences, Engineering, Information and Computer Science, Physical Sciences, portions of social Ecology, and Medicine.
  • Grunigen Medical Library (GML):
    • The Grunigen Medical Library’s collections and services support the discovery of new medical frontiers, advances the teaching of future healers, and provides foundational information resources for evidence-based care. 


Welcome to the UCI Libraries' Resources Guide for Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Here you will find general information about the UCI Libraries' services and resources in the field. 

  • UCI Library Services and Tools:
    • Your UCI Libraries account
      • Login to your library account to manage loans, interlibrary loans requests and manage other library services to users.
    • Remote Access to Restricted Resources
      • VPN software allows you to access resources restricted to UCI faculty/staff and students. Please contact UCI OIT (949) 824-2222 for assistance if having issues downloading and/or installing the software. 
    • Library Search
      • Search the UCI Libraries thousands of resources from journal, books, databases, and multimedia among others
    • Interlibrary Loans
      • Allows you to request journal articles and other loanable material that UCI Libraries don't own.
    • Schedule a consultation with a UCI Libraries' librarian
      • Hector R. Perez-Gilbe is your department's liaison librarian to the libraries
      • If you need to consult with a research librarian covering another discipline, feel free to identify the librarian in that discipline from the list supplied through the link and schedule an appointment or send an email.