Federal funders now require ORCID iD registration for all new fellowship, research training, education, and career development proposals.
ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to provide a registry of unique digital researcher identifiers. These unique identifiers help identify articles written by the same author using various forms of his, her, or their names. This registry also provides a way to link research activities, such as publication and data set creation, to these identifiers.
Search collections across all UC campuses or limit your search to UCI. Includes print books and articles, electronic books and articles, book chapters, and more.
You can start your search in a database (below) or in UC Library Search.
These are the best article databases to start your search.
For e-books at UCI and books at all UC Libraries and beyond: UC Library Search
Sign in to UC Library Search to request a book we don't have at UCI via Interlibrary Loan.
To browse books and journals on the shelves, go to these locations:
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