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Informed Voter Guide

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Upcoming Election

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

UCI Libraries and Web Resources

Criminology & Political Science Librarian

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Elizabeth V. Hernandez

Welcome to the Informed Voter Guide!

Picture of Joseph R. BidenPicture of Donald J. Trumo

United States Presidential Election 2024

Hello! This guide was created with the new/ student voter in mind. This guide will point you towards resources that will not only help answer your questions about voting, but help you become more informed about the candidates and issues on your ballot. Voting is important and just like an assignment, you will want to do some research to be prepared for when you vote. 

In this guide you can: 

  • Learn about the newspaper subscriptions the UCI Libraries provides (under "UCI Libraries and Web Resources box)
  • Check your news source to see where it falls under reliability and bias ("Interactive Media Bias Chart" under  "UCI Libraries and Web Resources" box )
  • Look through the many resources where you can look up sample ballots (Ballotpedia & BallotReady), fact-checking sites that focus on politics ( & Politifact), and other resources that can help you decide the way you want to vote (Under the "Informed Voter Resources" box)
  • find answers to general voting registration questions that are tailored towards new voters and student voters ("Voter Registration FAQ" tab)

Informed Voting Video

Creative Commons License CC by NC 4.0

Citizen Literacy was created by Robert Detmering, Amber Willenborg, and Terri Holtze for University of Louisville Libraries and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Informed Voter Resources

These resources can help you find out more information about candidate(s) or initiative(s) on your ballot. 

Creative Commons License CC by NC 4.0

Citizen Literacy was created by Robert Detmering, Amber Willenborg, and Terri Holtze for University of Louisville Libraries and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.