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UCI Libraries Resources Integration with Canvas

Instructions for using the External Tool feature to add UCI Libraries research guides (LibGuides) and Databases A-Z lists into your Canvas course assignments and/or modules.

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Adding a research guide as an assignment

  1. In the Canvas course navigation, select the Assignments link.
    Canvas course navigation menu with orange box around Assignments.
  2. Select the blue + Assignment button. Blue Canvas button to add an assignment.
  3. Scroll down to the Submission Type drop-down menu and select the External Tool option.
  4. Select the Find button.
    Canvas Submission Type drop-down menu with External Tool selected and Find outlined in orange.
  5. Scroll down the list and select Library Resources.
    Configure External Tool menu with Library Resources highlighted in orange.
  6. In the Content Type drop-down menu, select one of the following:
    • Full LibGuide - to add an entire research guide (LibGuide)
    • Single Page - to add a single page of a research guide (LibGuide)
    • Content Box - to add a single box of content from a research guide (LibGuide)
      Content Type drop-down menu with options for Full LibGuide, Single Page, and Content Box.

Continue with the instructions below depending on whether you added a Full LibGuide, Single Page, or Content Box.

To add a Full LibGuide:

  1. Follow Steps 1-6 above for adding a research guide as an assignment.
  2. Use the Guide drop-down menu to select the research guide you wish to add. You may type keywords in the search box or scroll through the list to select a guide.
    Link Resource from External Tool setting in Canvas with Content Type = Full LibGuide.
  3. (Optional) If you wish, you may use the Guide Page drop-down menu to select which page of the guide will display first. By default, the guide will load on the Home page. 
  4. Select the blue Embed Content button. Blue Embed Content button from Canvas.
  5. Before closing the Configure External Tool window, scroll down to the bottom and confirm that Load in a new tab is left unchecked.
    Configure External Tool Canvas window showing "Load in a new tab" option unchecked.
  6. Select the blue Select button.
  7. Edit the other Assignment settings as desired, then select Save or Save & Publish.

To add a Single Page:

  1. Follow Steps 1-6 above for adding a research guide as an assignment.
  2. Use the Guide drop-down menu to select the research guide you wish to add. You may type keywords in the search box or scroll through the list to select a guide.
  3. Use the Guide Page drop-down menu to select the page of the guide you would like to display. Note: When adding a single page of a guide, only the page you select will display, and students will not have navigation options to view the other pages of the guide.
    Link Resource from External Tool Canvas window with Single Page selected.
  4. Select the blue Embed Content button. 
  5. Before closing the Configure External Tool window, scroll down the bottom and confirm that Load in a new tab is left unchecked.
    Configure External Tool Canvas window showing "Load in a new tab" option unchecked.
  6. Select the blue Select button.
  7. Edit the other Assignment settings as desired, then select Save or Save & Publish.

To add a Content Box:

  1. Follow Steps 1-6 above for adding a research guide as an assignment.
  2. Use the Guide drop-down menu to select the research guide you wish to add. You may type keywords in the search box or scroll through the list to select a guide.
  3. Use the Guide Page drop-down menu to select the page of the guide from which you would like to pull a Content Box. 
  4. Use the Box drop-down menu to select the Content Box you wish to display.
    Link Resource from External Tool Canvas window with Content Box selected.
  5. Select the blue Embed Content button. 
  6. Before closing the Configure External Tool window, scroll down the bottom and confirm that Load in a new tab is left unchecked.
    Configure External Tool Canvas window showing "Load in a new tab" option unchecked.
  7. Select the blue Select button.
  8. Edit the other Assignment settings as desired, then select Save or Save & Publish.

Adding a Databases A-Z list as an assignment

Instructions for adding a Databases A-Z list as an assignment:

Important note: It is strongly recommended that when embedding a Databases A-Z list in Canvas, it is set to open in a new tab to maximize accessibility and search functionality. 

  1. In the Canvas course navigation, select the Assignments link.
    Canvas course navigation menu with orange box around Assignments.
  2. Select the blue + Assignment button. Blue Canvas button to add an assignment.
  3. Scroll down to the Submission Type drop-down menu and select the External Tool option.
  4. Select the Find button.
    Canvas Submission Type drop-down menu with External Tool selected and Find outlined in orange.
  5. Scroll down the list and select Library Resources.
    Configure External Tool menu with Library Resources highlighted in orange.
  6. In the Content Type drop-down menu, select one of the following:
    • All A-Z Databases - to display A-Z list of all UCI Libraries databases
    • Databases for Specific Subject + Subject Specialists - to display A-Z list of databases recommended for a specific subject and contact information for one or more subject area librarians
    • Databases for Specific Subject (list only) - to display A-Z list of databases recommended for a specific subject
    • Link Resource from External Tool Canvas window showing A-Z Databases options.
  7. If selecting "Databases for Specific Subject + Subject Specialists" or "Databases for Specific Subject (list only)," use the drop-down menu to select the desired subject area.
  8. Select the blue Embed Content button. Blue Embed Content button from Canvas.
  9. Important note: Before closing the Configure External Tool window, scroll down the bottom and confirm that Load in a new tab is checked.
    Configure External Tool Canvas window showing "Load in a new tab" checked and outlined in orange.
  10. Select the blue Select button.
  11. Edit the other Assignment settings as desired, then select Save or Save & Publish.