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SciFinder Scholar is a web-based interface to the world's largest database of chemistry literature, Chemical Abstracts.

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Scholarly Communications Coordinator; Research Librarian for Chemistry, Earth Systems Science, and Russian Studies

Profile Photo
Mitchell Brown
University of California, irvine
The UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine CA 92623-9557
Office: (949)824-9732
Website Skype Contact:
Social: Twitter Page
Subjects: Chemistry, Russian

Access From Off-Campus

Access Within the UC Irvine Libraries

SciFinder-nr is available to University of California faculty, students, and staff in the UC Irvine Science Library from any computer workstation, campus WiFi-connected laptop or handheld device. SciFinder-n requires an individual user account.

Access from outside the UC Irvine Libraries

SciFinder-n is also available to UCI faculty, students, and staff outside the UC Irvine Libraries. SciFinder-n can be accessed from a computer connected to the campus network, or via VPN Client Software. SciFinder-n is not available through the UCI WebVPN service.

Who May Use SciFinder Scholar

Access to SciFinder-n is available to University of California faculty, students, and staff only.

In accordance with the California Digital Library's licensing agreement with Chemical Abstracts Service, access to SciFinder-n is available to University of California faculty, students, and staff only through individual accounts.

SciFinder Scholar Account Registration

What is SciFinder-n?

SciFinder-n is a web-based interface to the world's largest database of chemistry literature, Chemical Abstracts. Over 27 million citations to chemistry publications are searchable by topic, author, CAS Registry Number, patent number, and CAS abstract number. In some cases, links to the full-text of journal articles are available. Over 16 million citations to medical and biological references in MEDLINE, 31 million organic and inorganic substances, and 59 million sequences.

Retirement of SciFinder "Classic" - December 31, 2022

  • On December 31, 2022, the SciFinder “classic” interface will be retired for the University of California system. Going forward, we will only have access to SciFinder-n (or SciFindern,

  • Registered SciFinder users should expect to see several emails between now and the end of December reminding you of the change.
  • If you are already using SciFinder-n, there’s nothing you need to do.
  • If you are still using SciFinder “classic,” I do encourage you to begin using SciFinder-n. It’s the same username and password for both systems. If you have the old URL bookmarked, it will redirect to SciFinder-n after December 31.
    • To migrate your saved searches and alerts, login to SciFinder-n, go to Saved and Alerts, then Migrate Alerts & Saved Results. There is more information about migration exceptions within the SciFinder-n help menu (link).
  • CAS has created some good training videos on SciFinder-n ( There are also some upcoming webinars, and I can offer training to classes, research groups, and individuals.

Updated: Mitchell Brown (June 16, 2022)   contact at

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