The Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences (ICS) is composed of three academic departments and there is a Research Guide to support each department that lists information resources and special services appropriate to that subject discipline and of interest to faculty, graduate students and undergraduates enrolled in ICS classes and engaged in its research programs. Remember to use all the pull-down menus to find extra resources and information.
Make sure to use the specialized resources for each department.
Increasingly many of our licensed library resources are available via mobile devices - this link will tell you what is available and on what platform.
The UCI Libraries offers Wepa printing that can be accessed from an app downloaded on your phone.
When using Online or Internet Resources, consider Search Engines vs. metasites - evaluate resource - consider domain - .edu, .com, .gov, .org, etc.
Thinking Critically about World Wide Web Resources - or Evaluation Techniques for Internet Resources
Off-campus? Please use the Software VPN and choose the group UCIFull to access licensed content. For more information, please Click here
Software VPN is not available for guests, so they may not have access to some content when connecting from off-campus.