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Evidence-Based Medicine Subject Guide

A collection of excellent resources available to UCI clinicians and students.

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Health Sciences Librarian

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Linda Murphy
Linda Suk-Ling Murphy, MLIS
Health Sciences Librarian
University of California, Irvine
The UCI Libraries
P.O. Box 19557
Irvine, CA 92623-9557
(949) 824-6419
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LocatorPlus at National Library of Medicine

Find more Evidence-Based journals and serials by checking out LocatorPlus by the National Library Medicine.  Be forewarned that UCI may not have the resources found in the National Library of Medicine Catalog.  Thus, check UC Library Search to see if UCI has the journal or series.

To find Evidence-based journals and serials, perform the following steps:

1.  Under "Simple Search" in the Search text box, enter "Evidence Based Medicine" (in quotes).

2.  In the As selection box, select Subject - (includes MeSH Terms).

3.  In the Quick Limit Option for Keyword,Title, or Journal Title Search selection box, select Currently Published Journals.

4.  Click Search.

4.  In the resulting page after clicking Search, select the applicable Heading to get a list of journals and serials that are classified as Evidence Based Medicine by the National Library of Medicine.

For any questions, contact Grunigen Medical Library Reference at 714-456-5583